The Trials and Tribulations of Christian Brückner
Even as I start this Chapter I know that by the time it is published it will be out of date, but I can hold back no longer.
From the start, and at regular intervals as you scroll idly down this essay, please try to remember that Christian Brückner is NOT on trial for anything to do with the reported disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
The prosecution knows that; the defence knows that; the defendant knows that.
The British Gutter Press know that - but ignore it.
And as always insert the word “ALLEGED” into the text at regular intervals
The reporting from the German court room is eye-opening. At once ludicrous and profoundly shocking to the British because so much would be rigidly excluded under the Accusatorial English legal system.
We now know that Brückner had an entire fleet of vehicles at this disposal.
A Winnebago - (which if course it was not, Winnebago being a specific marque - it was a Tiffin Allegro)
A VW Westfalia T3 camper van (or possibly two - one white with graffiti, one white and yellow with no graffiti)
A Jaguar XJR-6
An Opel Ascona
A Bedford van, blue,
A Mercedes Sprinter van - white
A Renault Twingo (with the infamous scissors in the boot - a feature of EVERY car in Germany)
Several of these were said to have been taken from Portugal to a scrap yard in Germany, two were found in or near the derelict factory or abandoned on an allotment. One VW T3 was crushed after non-payment of the fine for theft of Diesel. The fate of the others is not known.
A couple of years ago the Tabloids, led by the Olive Press, told the world definitively that “Fibres from Madeleine’s Pyjamas had been recovered from one or more of the vehicles.”
Sadly, for them, the State Prosecutor H. Wolters then told the world definitively that „Die ganze Geschichte mit den Faserspuren ist totaler Blödsinn“ = "The whole Story about the Fibre traces is total Bullshit". Which is of course highly specialised legal language meaning - YOU LIED.
REFS 1, 2.1, 2.2
We learned that Brückner and Tatshl were sent to prison for 6 months (or 7, or 8, depending which ”Version of the Truth” you prefer © KMcCann) for theft of diesel.
The theft was of 320 l. of fuel valued then at €1.04/l. Total € 333. A minor crime of low value for which normally a fine would be appropriate. According to one account they were not imprisoned but held on remand, on the grounds of lack of fixed abode, likelihood of absconding and of re-offending. Whatever the ‘facts’ they were held in custody, and having been ordered to pay compensation for the stolen fuel were released some months later, in December 2006
REF 3.1, 3.2
We now have a string of ‘witnesses’ including alleged victims, some-time friends, partners in crime, and others who seem to have no nexus to any of the charges faced by Brückner, except to be able to say they think it might have been him, doing whatever he was supposed to have done.
Several are in English Law terms ‘Hostile Character witnesses’, who would be heard only in extreme circumstances, as “the Prejudicial nature of their evidence outweighs the Probative value”
Put simply, a string of people saying “I think it might have been him” is NOT EVIDENCE.
[Jon Clarke, please note]
Manfred Seyfurth
Helge Bushing who said to be at death’s door with cancer.
Michael Tatschl (vide supra)
Christian Post
Ken Ralphs
Mario S
And then a string of girlfriends and alleged victims giving more or less credible accounts of his actions.
Marina Flache
Two girls - Andrea Barth, and Yvonne Baumann
Nicole Fehlinger
Nadia P. (Predolou ?)
Lina ?
Ulrike S
Anja K
We are told, in all seriousness, that Brückner committed some of his burglaries and sexual exploits stark naked except for a pair of tights over his head - and goggles. We charitably assumed and fervently hoped they were over his eyes, but this was confirmed when the ‘witness’ say they were ‘blacked out’ so no one would recognise him. We do learn though, on close inspection of the reports, that this was a boast allegedly made by Brückner himself, and no evidence or report of any such occurrence exists.
REF 5.1, 5.2
Are a stark naked intruder’s eyes the first thing(s !) on which a vulnerable woman victim might focus ? No mention is made of how if the witness could not see IN, Brückner was able to see OUT.
And the reason for this naked escapade was given as ‘So he did not leave fibres’. The depth of stupidity and ignorance revealed here is below even ‘mildly sentient’. Fibres are among the least useful of any forensic trace, especially when compared to the skin cells, finger, palm and foot prints, head hairs, pubic hairs, mucus, human-origin bodily detritus and other - ahem - “bodily fluids” which would be distributed liberally round any scene inhabited by a naked man in ‘active’ mode.
Also no mention of the ‘tools of trade’ Brückner is said to have had with him on some occasions.
Video camera (plus batteries and tapes, since one episode lasted four hours), for recording;
Rope, long, for tying;
Knife, large, for threatening;
Spatula, metal, for spanking;
Mask, face
Suit, full body, lycra, ‘gimp’, black, for wearing;
And, we suppose,
Bag, large, for carrying: - the above and to hold the hundreds of passports and other stolen items
Also no mention is made of the HUGE cross-shaped scar on his thigh which formed part of the “identification evidence” in previous press reports, but which the appointed doctor was allegedly unable to detect. Nor how this morphed into a “birthmark” which had been removed by a plastic surgeon. We are not told whether the ‘cross-shaped scar’ was the result of that surgery, or a totally different invention.
But given that this scar or birthmark was THE SOLE MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION in one of more of the cases it is perhaps an important medical and legal observation if he does NOT have one.
Another witness tells how she spoke to Brückner by phone where he boasted about his sexual exploits and criminal enterprises, including his propensity to be excited by young girls, and yet felt constrained to ‘become intimate’ with him on one or more occasions and to leave him in sole charge of her own four-year-old daughter.
“Asked by the prosecution if she noticed Brueckner was interested in her daughter, she replied: “Not at all, otherwise I wouldn’t have done that. He just said he found her cute and said she could be a model.” She said Brueckner spent time alone with her daughter when they went out on dog walks.”
REF 7.1, 7.2
That seems clear, but a mere two days later the Olive Press, subtly (?) alters this to “christian-brueckner-abused-my-four-year-old-daughter-during-dog-walks-in-the-park-while-taking-sick-pictures-of-her”. Easily done, when you own your own newspaper and write, proof read, and edit the whole thing yourself, and are out of reach of the British Press authorities and ignore the Spanish one, FAPE.
Tatschl who shared a cell for 6 months with Brückner has told how during their time in the cell together Brückner told him how he had kidnapped a 13 year-old gypsy girl, who had run away from a Youth camp, persuaded her to get into the car with him, kept her for four days, tied her to a pole, beat her, and repeatedly sexually abused her.
Another report says it was NOT a pole but a shoulder height iron ring in the wall.
REF 10
We are not told about her sleeping, feeding or hygiene arrangements during those four days. One report says she was tied to the ring the whole time, which must have made general living conditions, not to say further (ahem) congress slightly unpleasant, even for an alleged full-time equal-opportunities pervert.
REF 11
Then we suppose, but are of course not told, she was released into the wild, to go either directly to the police for a statement of evidence, forensic and medical examination and treatment, and a full man-hunt following her directions to the locus delicti, and we bear in mind the Youth Camp would be under a Statutory Duty to report all missing children in their care . .
OR she might have gone back to the Gypsy camp, reported it to the ‘elders’, in which case no trace of Brückner or the location of the crime would ever have been found.
But NEITHER happened, Why is that ?
The ‘fact’ is that there is no identified victim, no name, no police report, no forensic or medical report, no independent evidence, no enquiry, . . . Nothing, except uncorroborated hearsay from a convicted criminal and proven liar, who is known to bear a significant grudge, and may well, even probably, have been paid significant amounts by the Gutter press for his story, and might therefore have a vested interest in trying to make it ‘interesting’ at Tabloid level
NO REF ! !
The Sun even made an attempt to link this alleged incident with “Lina”, which was a good try but ignored an inconvenient truth.
Lina arrived in Foral at the secret compound with the world’s most dangerous dogs [© J Clarke] where Nicola Fehlinger was the tenant . . . On 23 March 2007
REF 12
Brückner and Tatchl were fined and released in December 2006, and Busching is on record as having said he fled the country and never saw Brückner again, because he was afraid of what he might do to him.
Even that is undermined by Clarke’s own book, as well as other statements by Busching which all report his having met Brückner at the ‘Dragon festival rave’ in Orgiva and sold him 5 kg of cannabis, probably in 2008 or 2009.
REFS 13.1, 13.2
In a side story, bolted into the narrative during the trial, an SEK (Sonder-Einsatz-Kommando) = Special Operations Group of the BKA were reported to have conducted a full armed raid on a garden shed on an allotment, looking for Ralph H. We are told - by the Olive Press - that they were carrying Machine Guns.
Not semi-automatic carbines, sub-machine guns, or assault rifles . . . MACHINE GUNS.
We were then told by the same infallible sources that there was no one at home, and that because they had no Warrant, they could neither enter the property nor conduct a search of the area.
[“I am not making this up”. © J Tanner]
The same outlets [Clarke’s OP, obviously] published photos of a platoon of uniformed armed men in a line along a forest track. And another of the grubby white Mercedes van close to a shed on an allotment, inviting us to link the two.
REF 14
This time H. Wolters put the record straight for us, and his statement can be cross checked by any Investigative Journalist who cares to Investigate, by looking at the Brauschweiger POL-BS website which lists all operations.
Wolters: “Es gab keine Razzia” = [Translation for Jon Clarke] There was no raid. They were never there.
Which is of course specialised and technical legal language meaning - YOU LIED.
REF 15.1, 15.2
The alleged photo - in the Olive Press, obviously - is available to all through google Images and shows a search of woodland in a different place and on a different occasion altogether for a totally different purpose. The “arms”, or “Machine guns”, turn out on close inspection of an enlarged image to be sticks for whacking undergrowth and poking things. An easy mistake to make if you fail to observe, or look. Or think.
REF 16
Is Clarke’s mole in H. Wolter’s office suddenly blind or perhaps deliberately feeding him duff-gen ?
[The contempt in which the OP, Clarke and the Tabloids hold the rest of mankind is staggering.
As Mark Twain said “Take the lies out of him and he’ll shrink to the size of your hat; take the malice out of him and he’ll disappear”]
* * *
But back to the Gypsy girl and the pole, or ring if you prefer that “Version of the Truth” [© K McCann]
Police say they believe that the girl is the one Helge Busching claims to have seen in a video being abused by Brückner.
We do not know because the victim has never been identified, the video has never been produced, only Manfred Seyfurth and Helge Busching allegedly stole and say they saw the films - NOT Tatchl - and the alleged girl arrived on the scene a long time AFTER the videos were stolen. They were, if you are keeping up with all this, stolen whilst Brückner and Tatschl were in prison, in 2006.
They also say they viewed them on the camera, not on a TV attached to a VHS player. The screen on a video camera of the day, probably stolen and therefore of an even earlier vintage, was only 3” at the maximum. Many were 2.5” or even smaller. That is the diagonal dimension, according to the strange convention.
The screen is therefore 2.4” wide by 1.8” high. (At a 4:3 aspect ratio)
Significantly SMALLER then a credit card which is 3.4”wide x 1.9” high. About a quarter the size of your Smart phone screen.
Now imagine two figures shown with appropriate background and lack of zoom-in facility because the camera has been placed in position and is not being handled by a third party - so far as we know - and a general amateurish and hurried set up . . .and calculate the size of the face and head and bodies, and the details you can actually observe. Now look at your credit card and see how large the print has to be for you to be able to read it - and think again.
REF 17
The new witness Christian POST stands out amongst the rest as a beacon of wisdom in an otherwise barren and featureless wasteland. Not for his main evidence in the instant case, which the Gutter press has not deigned to report, but for this remark obiter, as it were.
Read this extract from the Daily Mail report:
QUOTE. Under cross examination from Brueckner's lawyer Friedrich Fülscher, Post said he had given media interviews on his relationship with the man German police say is the 'prime suspect' for 'snatching and murdering Madeleine.'
But he added: 'I didn't say it was him but I can indeed say that I think it could be him but these are assumptions based on no evidence.’ END
REF 18
AT LAST. Someone has said it. And it has been reported and cannot be un-said or un-reported, and because it was said in court, under oath, he cannot be bullied by libel lawyers to retract it, though of course he will probably be abused by the gutter press for having said it.
Personal message to Jon Clarke, and all other Tabloid journalists
Repeat that final phrase until it sinks in.
Try, as hard as you can, to understand.
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that Madeleine was Abducted or Murdered.
Not by Brückner, Hewitt, Montiero, Reid, Ney, Tannerman, Smithman, Murat, Russians, Moroccan Princes, un-named family with a blond daughter called Madeleine, German guy with a VW camper and a blond daughter, unsuspecting bloke on a flight to Ibiza with his daughter . . .
Nor by anyone else
Try to ignore your clearly overriding “Assumptions”
Go back to basics and look at the EVIDENCE
[And some fell on stoney ground (Mark 4:5-6)]
Ken Ralphs is even more amusing/ludicrous. Speaking exclusively - for money ? - to Sky News, he disclosed something that after 15 years the police forces of three Nations had not discovered, Ocean club had not revealed, and squadrons of private detectives, fraudsters and Investigative journalists had not even been able to invent find. . .
“According to British expat Ken Ralphs (pictured speaking to Sky News earlier this month) - who knew Christian Brueckner at the time through acquaintances - the German criminal was working cash-in-hand at the Ocean Club restaurant frequented by Kate and Gerry McCann, Madeleine's parents”
REF 19
The Leicester Mercury churned the same story but pointedly omitted the reference to his working in the Ocean Club
REF 20
During 16 years of world-wide search and investigation no one thought to mention it before, nor even to ask ?
How tireless was the research done by Jon Clarke for his book, that he didn’t even think of or bother to go into the Ocean Club Tapas bar and ask if Brückner had ever worked there ? The nearest Clarke got was a reference to Euclides Montiero who had worked there briefly before being sacked a year before, but in true “Clarke-Kent Intrepid Investigator“ style cannot resist ‘Could he have been an accomplice who did X, and might he have done Y and . . .’ pp. 354-4 Kindle edition - paraphrased
REF 21
But then for someone who can report on-line [still] and in print [for all eternity in land-fill] that Ms Kay Burley, the Sky News presenter was on holiday in PdL at the time of the ‘incident’ - when she was visibly in the studio in London presenting the early morning news covering the very subject on the very same day - the odd bit of flexibility with the truth, economy with the vérité, and the occasional untruth or deliberate lack of clarity is unimportant, and an important fact like that might be overwhelming.
REF 22
It might of course have SOLVED the case which Jon Clarke so clearly wants to brag about having done himself, alone, all by himself, on his own, without any help from Police or the PJ files or detectives or anyone . . .
But it didn’t and it won’t because it is so obviously nonsense.
How do we know that ?
Because the Mail published the details on 29 Feb 2024 (a Leap year, not a typo)
REF 23
If there were even a hint of a smidgen of credibility in the account, the police forces of three nations, herds of Private Detectives, a scribble of reporters and an entire Intrusion of Investigative Journalists would have swarmed all over the Tapas Bar and the offices and Personnel records department of the Ocean Club, and it would have been reported in every newspaper across the world. For months.
And they didn’t and it wasn’t; so there wasn’t.
So far as I can make out the Daily Mail article is the only one even to mention it. Not even the normally gullible Olive Press touched it, because of course it would have spoken against the thoroughness of Clarke’s research.
REF 24
If you have not already given up, but are lying in shock on the sofa with your scrambled brain dribbling gently out of your ear, and thinking you may inadvertently have entered a Kafka-esque Universe, . . .
Take heart, relax, and be reassured . . .
You have.
You have entered the world of the British Tabloid Gutter Press
Welcome to the world inhabited by Jon Clarke
A world where Brückner worked cash-in-hand in the Ocean Club Tapas Bar, and as Head Waiter in an unspecified hotel, and simultaneously working in Lagos in a restaurant, and yet is described by other equally credible witnesses as a scruffy and dirty drop-out and drifter who lived by theft and drug dealing, and spent most of his time commuting between Germany and Portugal, burgling, exposing himself, ravishing and visiting drug-fulled events in Orgiva and other places.
REF 25
A world where Brückner is a hopeless alcoholic and permanent drunk, slovenly and dirty, and a regular user of controlled drugs, and yet simultaneously described by other equally credible (?) witnesses as clean, sober, presentable, well dressed and clean-shaven. (For which there is photographic evidence - from the Olive Press - strangely)
REF 26
A world in which a ‘witness’ describes his open and frank admission to crime and perversions including Pederasty, yet allows her four year-old daughter to accompany him on long walks alone without considering her safety.
Vide supra
A world in which he had a huge birthmark or a huge cross-shaped scar perhaps from its removal, on his thigh, neither of which was discernible by a court-appointed doctor.
A world in which he had a huge overbite and protruding teeth which matched one of the more infamous of the ‘photofit’ images released in 2007, and yet in Police photos taken and published around that time no such facial deformity is evident, and where comparison with recent authenticated photos reveals no noticeable change.
REF 27
A world in which key witnesses for the prosecution testify to what someone else had said, yet the alleged friend denies even knowing the witness
A world in which a key prosecution witness claims to have shown the alleged tapes to a bar owner, yet the women in question vehemently denies any such thing
A world in which a key witness stated that he was so afraid of Brückner that he fled the country and has not seen him since, yet sold him 5 kilos of drugs at a subsequent “event” in Orgiva.
A world in which eighty tapes [Exactly 80, not ‘a lot’, or ‘about’ .. ] containing alleged KEY evidence, are destroyed and placed beyond recovery - and in which multiple CDs which were never viewed by anyone but were allegedly similarly destroyed, are presented as ‘evidence’ on the basis of their alleged labelling
A world in which TWO girl ‘victims’ who went voluntarily to Brückner’s abode testify in court to having been afraid of being held captive or raped, yet even the Judge herself was constrained to observe that neither had made any mention of this important point in their first statements to the Police
REF 27
A world in which Investigative Journalists attempt to conceal the apparent contradictions they have created by further inventing Plastic Surgery, extensive reconstructive Facio-maxilliary and Orthodontic procedures - costing tens of thousands and taking many months, as well as leaving no visible scarring or residual deformity - without supplying any details of the surgeons, clinics, dentists or the source or details of the transfer of the funds which might allow critical analysis by others.
REF 28
A world in which a key ‘witness’ states that on the afternoon in question Brückner phoned during the evening to say he was driving south from Tomar to Foral, arrived late, and left the following morning - (Tomar being 340km. to the North of Foral - more than 5 or 6 hours by van or ‘Winnebago’ - and more than 6 or 7 hours from PdL, with an extra hour back to Foral) and yet no one seems to understand the probable importance of this apparently insignificant detail.
A world in which The Sun tries to identify the alleged 13 yr old girl tied to the post (or ring !) as ‘Lina’, and yet do not disclose (or realise !) that `Lina’ arrived at Nicola Fehlinger’s villa - aka Clarke’s Secret Compound - on 23 March 2007, long AFTER the tapes had been (allegedly) discovered, stolen, viewed and destroyed whilst Brückner and Tatschl were in prison in 2006
A world in which you MUST BELIEVE the McCanns and their compliant or complicit Press, and repeat what they say, or face heavy sanctions and endless ad hominem abuse and have lies and libellous statements published about you
REF 29.1, 29.2, 29.3
TWO QUOTES to cheer you up as you come out of your coma :
“The Argumentum ad Baculum [the threat of violence, physical or legal], is an admission of Intellectual Impotence.”
"The only difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense” T Clancy
For those who have the stamina to get this far, let me say I am acutely aware that this essay will contain many errors and mistakes.
Mistakes of Interpretation are mine
Mistakes of “Fact” must be judged in the light of the quality and probity of what we are fed from the Gutter press, our being cynically manipulated by the tabloids, and by my even having to stoop to copy and paste from The Olive Press.
Am I cynical about this entire process ? Assuredly Yes. I am.
We must remember that Christian Brückner is serving a term of imprisonment for a crime he did not commit.
For those of nervous disposition look away now and skip to the end
The crime is that of “Vergewaltigung”. In English - Rape
He was tried, found ‘legally Guilty’ and sentenced.
Rape very specifically involves non-consensual penetration of the woman by the male organ.
The report from the Consultant Gynaecologist who examined the victim is clear and unequivocal that
there was NO Penetration.
That specific part of whatever happened during the assault did not take place.
In that sense it is a wrongful conviction.
That he may have done other dreadful things to the victim is beside the point.
He did not Rape her.
Brückner’s then lawyer appealed, but it seems to have been poorly presented and badly handled and was refused.
His current lawyer H. Fülscher has attempted to Appeal again but the process will not allow it.
And there the matter rests.
He has been found Legally Guilty of a Crime which was not committed
For those who think this is purely a German problem recent events in the UK should cause them to think again. Mr Andrew Malkinson served 17 years for rape, even though the DNA was from another man. Two of his Appeals were refused. The Sub-PostMasters/mistresses case is in the news in a daily basis.
This happens in many jurisdictions.
DCI Gonçalo Amaral devotes half a Chapter to this case in his second book. He retains a copy of the full report from the Consultant Gynaecologist
I attach a relevant page as an Appendix
In the next chapter I shall try to examine in more detail Jon Clarke’s role in this current media frenzy.
Jon ‘Deep-trench-walked-into-5A-spoke-to-the-McCanns-set-up-Murat’ Clarke writes not only for his own paper – The Olive Press – but can also be found on the credits of the Sun and the Daily Mail, with the identical words being used by the process of “churnalism” in The Express, and other even more egregious Tabloids in the UK and across the world.
“A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on”. Wrongly Attrib. Mark Twain.
Actually dates back to 1710 “Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it;” Jonathan Swift
Investigators probing the disappearance of Madeleine McCann … have not found fibres from the missing girl's pyjamas in the main suspect's van, prosecutors told MailOnline today.
„Die ganze Geschichte mit den Faserspuren ist totaler Blödsinn“, sagte Hans Christian Wolters von der Staatsanwaltschaft Braunschweig dem RND. HCW tells the RND that "The whole Story about the Fibre traces is total Bullshit".
“Brueckner’s failure to provide a home address was part of the reason he spent eight months on remand because authorities deemed him a “flight risk” and concluded there was a danger he would carry on offending.”
“He wasn’t threatening, otherwise I wouldn’t have allowed it,” the mum told the court. “I never had any cause to not let her go.”
“Asked by the prosecution if she noticed Brueckner was interested in her daughter, she replied: “Not at all, otherwise I wouldn’t have done that. He just said he found her cute and said she could be a model.” She said Brueckner spent time alone with her daughter when they went out on dog walks.”
The woman also said that while she 'never knew him sober', she never felt unsafe to leave him alone with her daughter when they went on dog walks
13.2 Clarke, Jon. MY SEARCH FOR MADELEINE: One Reporter’s 14-Year Hunt To Solve Europe’s Most Harrowing Crime (p. 250). OP Books. Kindle Edition.
“…Busching mentions his meetings with Brueckner in Orgiva over the following years…’Two weeks later I saw Christian for a short while for the last time. He came to Orgiva to buy hashish, which he wanted to bring to Germany. He left on the same day and I have never seen him since.’ There is no exact date of this meeting but it must be between 2008 and 2010, because Busching confirmed to police that he himself had lived in Orgiva for a number of years and didn’t leave until 2010. ‘I finally left in 2010 and went to Austria, then to Italy and finally to Greece,’ he stated.
16 PHOTO from Olive Press article
The insert may be from the search for Inga, missing for nine years, who Clarke is certain was taken by Brückner. Obviously.
17 Video camera ca. 1995 - 2005
21 “My Search for Madeleine” Jon Clarke, OP Books, 2021.
No reference to Brückner working in Tapas Bar
Reference to Euclides Montiero pp 353-4. Kindle Edition
23 Christian Brueckner was working at Ocean Club restaurant where Madeleine McCann's parents and 'The Tapas Seven' dined nightly when he came up with plot to abduct and sell her to a childless couple, claims Brit
PUBLISHED: 08:29 BST, 29 February 2024
23 No result from Google search
24 “My Search for Madeleine” Jon Clarke, OP Books, 2021
25 “My Search for Madeleine” Jon Clarke, OP Books, 2021
27 Photo said to be the Police “mug-shot’ from 2006. NB: Provenance UNCONFIRMED
Photo of Brückner with one of the girls Andrea Barth, or Yvonne Baumann NB: UNCONFIRMED
Photo of Brückner in court 2024
Photofit image of the alleged Abductor, from ONE “witness, which Clarke insists is Brückner
28 “She also said he had several marks (or scars) on his body and had, she estimated, four wonky teeth, with his top jaw protruding his bottom jaw (something he would fix that autumn [2007] when he flew from Lisbon to Germany for expensive maxillofacial surgery).”
Clarke, Jon. MY SEARCH FOR MADELEINE: One Reporter’s 14-Year Hunt To Solve Europe’s Most Harrowing Crime (p. 347). OP Books. Kindle Edition.
29.1 McCann & Anor-v-Bennett. [2013] EWHC 283 (QB
29.2 “My Search for Madeleine” Jon Clarke, OP Books, 2021
29.3 “The Olive Press”. Vol.13 Issue 314, p.3, and several editions since.
Extract from ”Maddie ; Basta De Mentiras !” Dr Gonçalo Amaral. 2021
- ISBN-10 : 9896663246
- ISBN-13 : 978-9896663247
Available from Amazon
Unauthorised English Translation